"HBCU women’s hoops gets overdue spotlight in new docuseries"Brick x Brick moves from the gridiron to the hardwood as the HBCU Gameday Original Series follows the Johnson C. Smith women's...
"Division II HBCU star takes his talents to FBS level"William Davis has gone from a Division II HBCU football walk-on to a possible starter at a Big 12 school.
"NFL All-Pro is getting his MBA from an HBCU"Bobby Wagner got the game ball after the Commanders playoff win on Sunday and will begin classes at his HBCU on Monday....
"Is this the year HBCU women’s hoops breaks the 16 seed ceiling?"MEAC women's basketball has been on fire during non-conference play this season. Will this be the year HBCU women's hoops gets some...
"Division II HBCU quarterbacks making leap to DI progams"Two of the top signal callers in Division II HBCU football are moving up to DI schools to see if their production...
"More NFL players are expressing interest in HBCU coaching roles"Two former NFL players have expressed interest in coaching at an HBCU following the recent bombshell hires of NFL greats.
"HBCU championship winning coaches to reunite in FBS football"The Dark Cloud defense featured several All-SWAC and All-Americans, including Markquese Bell (Dallas Cowboys), Isaiah Land (Indianapolis Colts) and Isaiah Major (Celebration...
"Legendary HBCU team gets Naismith Hall of Fame nomination"The 1982 Cheyney State Lady Wolves are included among high-profile nominees such as Carmelo Anthony, Sue Bird, and Maya Moore.
"Former HS All-American transfers from Florida State to FAMU"Going from Florida State to FAMU has become a trend in the transfer portal era. Get to know the latest player to...
"Michael Vick to become head coach at Norfolk State"Norfolk State has landed Michael Vick as its next head football coach, according to multiple reports.
"HBCU Bounce Back: Celebration Bowl ratings went way up"Jackson State’s Celebration Bowl Win Draws Over Two Million Viewers, Boosting Celebration Bowl Ratings.
"Celebration Bowl attendance takes dip for third consecutive season"The Celebration Bowl attendance took a dip for the third-straight year, but will likely outpace most postseason contests.