"Reggie Theus overhauls Bethune-Cookman basketball roster"Head Coach Reggie Theus, who also serves as the university's athletics director, has assembled a diverse group of talent, blending together experienced transfers...
"HBCU Athletic Director honored by the city of Inglewood, California"The 3-year HBCU AD emphasized the unique position of HBCUs in providing opportunities for students who might otherwise be overlooked by larger...
"Four star Zion Harmon transfers to HBCU"Former four-star prospect Zion Harmon has decided to continue his college basketball career at Bethune-Cookman University.
"HBCU Showcase features mix of old and new hoopsters"A host of HBCU ballers showed their stuff and got a chance to extend their careers before pro scouts at the NBA...
"SWAC basketball springs into the new year"Alabama A&M forward Jalen Johnaon has tallied 16 and 25 points in two wins for the Bulldogs this week, the early leaders...
"Sources: Massive admin change at Bethune-Cookman"Multiple sources tell HBCU Gameday that wholesale changes are taking place at Bethune-Cookman University— in athletics and beyond.
"Reggie Theus named Bethune-Cookman AD/Basketball Coach"Bethune-Cookman has officially named former NBA All-Star Reggie Theus as its head basketball coach and AD.