"Jackson State’s Sonic Boom Raising Funds for Rose Parade"The Sonic Boom of the South is preparing for its Rose Parade debut, rallying community support to help fundraise the trip to...
"HBCU National Battle of The Bands lineup is out for 2024"The 10th Anniversary HBCU Pepsi National Battle of the Bands celebrates HBCU marching bands with live performances and enriching events.
"Usher brings Jackson State University band for Super Bowl halftime"Usher took the stage for Super Bowl halftime with the support of the Jackson State University marching band.
"Jackson State moves to top of ESPN Band of The Year for Nov."The Jackson State University "Sonic Boom" of the South had the highest marks in ESPN Band of The Year rankings for November....
"Jackson State University, SC State start HBCU band season"Jackson State and South Carolina State will kick off the marching band season on Saturday. Here's the latest on the HBCU band...
"Deion Sanders, JSU set FCS attendance records"Deion "Coach Prime" Sanders and Jackson State shattered FCS home attendance records and were the key players in seven of the top...
"National Battle of The Bands: 2021 Photo Gallery"This year featured bands from Talladega College, Langston University, Norfolk State, Tennessee State, Jackson State, North Carolina A&T, and Southern University.
"HBCU marching bands featured in inaugural celebration"A total of eight historically black colleges and universities will participate in "We Are One," a virtual celebration of the Biden inaugural.
"Sonic Boom announces new band director as Dowell Taylor set to retire"“Without the tireless work of these outstanding gentlemen, this opportunity would not be afforded to me. Whenever presented with an honor or...
"Members of Jackson State’s Sonic Boom, J-Settes suspended during hazing investigation"Jackson State's Sonic Boom of The South and Prancing J-Settes down several members due to hazing allegations.
"Jackson State holds on to defeat Grambling, ends four-game slump"Jackson State players bought into the “just win a game†concept and knocked down GSU.