"Randolph Ross Jr. makes US team for worlds"A&T junior Randolph Ross Jr. earned a second trip to perform on track's world stage on a day where a new world...
"HBCU track athletes looking for titles at US track nationals"13 HBCU athletes, 12 in sprint events, are in Eugene, Oregon for the U. S. Track & Field Championships looking to advance...
"A&T track loses talented sprinter ahead of NCAA regionals"A&T sprinter Symone Darius is shown here winning a 200 meter heat at the Big South Outdoor Track and Field Championships at...
"NC A&T women dominate sprints to claim Big South title"NC A&T came from behind to take the women's Big South Outdoor title, setting plenty of records along the way to the...
"NC A&T tracksters trail but poised for Big South title run"Sophomore sprinter Javonte Harding (above) is one of the track stars the Aggies will count on as the Big South Outdoor Track...
"NC A&T tracksters show off in Aggieland"Former NC A&T sprinter Cambrea Sturgis, now running for Adidas, ran the top time of the year in the 100 meters at...
"NC A&T tracksters pick up where they left off"Randolph Ross Jr., the star of NC A&T's individual and team accomplishments last season, had the only first-place finish but the Aggies...