"Netflix to produce documentary on the death of Steve McNair"Netflix will release "The Murder of Air McNair," a documentary on HBCU legend and NFL MVP Steve McNair, in August as part...
"Southern University expected to add Fred McNair to staff"Fred McNair, a SWAC championship coach, may join Southern University after a crazy couple of months in SWAC coaching circles.
"Texas Southern University coaching search (possibly) near end"Texas Southern University is expected to resolve its head coaching position on Thursday. Here's the latest.
"Alcorn State University announces Fred McNair departure"Alcorn State announces that Fred McNair is no longer a part of its program after weeks of speculation.
"Alcorn State University quarterback situation still unsettled"Even with an SEC transfer in the running, Alcorn State hasn't settled in on quarterback yet, according to Fred McNair.
"Black quarterback stigma focus of new book""Pass Interference," a new book by Jackson State grad Wisdom Martin, explores the racist hurdles and obstacles HBCU and non-HBCU black quarterbacks...
"Aaron Allen is ready to compete for QB1 at Alcorn State"LA Tech transfer Aaron Allen is determined to fill big shoes in the Alcorn State University quarterback room.
"HBCU Football Rundown – Week 4"Bethune-Cookman at Arkansas-Pine Bluff kicks off Week 4 Thursday but there are several other key SWAC contests including Saturday's State Fair Classic...
"SWAC 2021 Preview: New division, same Alcorn State"Despite sitting out the spring, moving to a new division and facing a formidable road schedule, Alcorn State is still picked to...