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HBCU women’s basketball game postponed after COVID outbreak

The COVID-19 pandemic is still having an impact on college basketball, as it has postponed a game between two HBCU programs.

The MEAC game between Coppin State and South Carolina State has been postponed, according to Coppin State’s twitter account.

This news comes days after SC State women’s coach Tim Eatman told the media that five members of his team and two members of his coaching staff were dealing with COVID-19. 

“We’re hoping at some point in time during the year that we can have a consistent roster that when I look at whose on the roster I can look at whose on the roster, I’m not guessing and not asking the trainer who can play and who can’t play.”

This is the first known HBCU basketball game being impacted by COVID-19 this season. SC State is currently 1-14 in Eatman’s first season. He’s doing his best to take it in stride and advising his team to be careful when they aren’t involved in basketball activities.

HBCU South Carolina State

“It’s just our society right now. It’s just what it is. I got my last booster two days ago – but that doesn’t keep you from getting COVID. So we have to just teach our players and just talk to our players about making good decisions when they go back to their dorm room. And make sure they understand who they’re hanging out with and who they are sharing time with and just recognize that we have a basketball season we have to get better with. 

Because we have a basketball season and you have more at stake compared to average students, you need to be careful about how you approach things.  It’s just the society that we live in.”

Men’s basketball coach Erik Martin said his team dealt with COVID earlier in the school year, but there aren’t any issues at the moment. Still, he’s being cautious.

“Coach and I have spoke the last few days about his situation and I’ve tried to say to my kids – hey fellas, you might want to keep some space if you’re hanging out with those players to let them get healthy and stay healthy.”

The 2020-2021 HBCU basketball season saw many postponements due to COVID-19. Things improved during the 2021-2022 season, but COVID has once again reared its head. The men’s game between Coppin State and SC State is still set to take place on Saturday. 

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