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HBCU soccer joins Toilet Paper Challenge

With a nationwide order to practice social distancing and college athletics shut down everywhere, athletes have been stuck. Soccer players, however, have found one on the Internet in the toilet paper challenge.

SWAC teams have been leading the way with some well-done productions by Howard and Alabama State. Yes, Howard’s women soccer competes in the SWAC which isn’t news if you’ve been paying attention.


The concept is to stitch together individual videos and make it appear that a roll of toilet paper is being kicked all across the country. In from the left side of the frame and out from the right side.


It’s cute and a bit of a distraction during this Coronavirus crisis. Americans everywhere are suffering from a bit of cabin fever and a lack of toilet paper.

The toilet paper challenge isn’t just for those who know how to handle themselves on the pitch. Because it’s the Internet, lots of people are in on the action and it doesn’t always go as planned.

As this new normal sets in for the time being the toilet paper challenge has been a pleasant distraction.

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