The healing power of HBCU love (and football)

The second half of the game was a painfully familiar feeling for fans in red-and-white. ODU stormed back in the game as WSSU consistently moved the ball but couldn’t punch it in for the lead. Ohio Dominican drove down the field in the final minutes, looking to break a 13-13 tie and hand WSSU its second-straight loss. 

The fan in me was frustrated with the performance and desperately wanted the win. But after the week that I had, I knew that there were more important things than the outcome of a college football game. This loss would sting, but there would be more games. My father’s passing was another matter all together. But win or lose, I knew the love I was shown confirmed I made the right decision to come to WSSU — twenty years ago as an 18 year-old and on this night as a man looking for some solace after a life-altering week. 

I braced myself for the loss, and filmed a field goal attempt from 25 yards out with three seconds remaining. Even in Division II football, this was almost certain defeat. WSSU had already blocked two kicks in the game, but asking for a third would be like asking for a miracle.

All night, B Daht encouraged the crowd at Bowman Gray to pray. And I said a little prayer before the kick went up. This one wasn’t blocked by anyone — at least not on the stat sheet. It was simply a miss. But I will believe that it was my father, helping me find some joy after having to leave me so suddenly.

WSSU went on to force an interception in overtime by Jupe Alston and won the game on a three-yard run by Trevon Hester in overtime. 

I ran on to the field to record the reactions of the players with a smile, and maybe a tear or two. None of them knew my father personally nor do they know me intimately. But their play and perseverance lifted my spirits in this trying time for me as person.

Saturday night — for me — was about the magic of sports and the bonds created at an HBCU. Both connect people who have so many other things going on in their lives — triumphs and tribulations — and give them something to cheer for and dream about.

No doubt the next few days for me will be filled with more tears, moments of heaviness and and grappling with loss. But those memories of an action packed night in Bowman Gray will be cause for some joy and excitement, as well as inspiration. More importantly, being surrounded by love from people who are not blood, but are family just the same, will stick with me even longer. 

As for my father, I hope they have Youtube in heaven.

This article is dedicated to the loving memory of Steven Dunlap.

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