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Exiting FAMU President pens heartfelt letter amid resignation

Tiffani-Dawn Sykes, FAMU, Willie Simmons

Dr. Larry Robinson has announced that he will step down as the 12th president of Florida A&M University (FAMU), a position he held for nearly seven years. Robinson intends to stay at the HBCU and return to his role as Professor in the FAMU School of the Environment, a position he held prior to accepting the role as the 12 President of Florida A&M University in November of 2017.

Before his departure as president, he wrote a heartfelt letter to Rattler Nation. We have posted the letter in its entirety below.

Dear FAMUly and Friends:

Today is a moment of profound significance in my life and my journey at our beloved Florida A&M University (FAMU). I have made the decision to step down from the presidency at this great institution. As you can imagine, this decision comes with many emotions – pride, joy, gratitude, some sadness, of course, but at the same time, hope and anticipation.

That hope is not just about what lies ahead for me and my family, but also what is next for the No. 1 public Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in the nation. That achievement was made possible by the strategic guidance provided by the Board of Trustees, and the work of so many – our dedicated faculty, staff, administrators, students, alumni and friends. My gratitude runs deep to all of you as it does to my chief partner in life, work and love – the amazing Sharon Robinson who keeps me grounded and humble every day.

The chance to serve our students, the state of Florida, and our nation in this unique role has me more convinced than ever of the transformative power of education. These past few years have only strengthened my core belief in the unique power of HBCU to shape lives and nurture critical talent that serve our families and communities. To play even a small part in this is the privilege of a



Rattlers, you are truly remarkable, and I personally thank each and every one of you, whether you have been a staunch advocate or a thoughtful critic. I cherish your prayers, friendship, wisdom, generosity, and engagement. Thank you for your efforts to help us welcome our new students, enhance our academic programs and bolster our reputation.

FAMU can never be judged by one president or one individual’s accomplishments or even one moment of prosperity or challenge. It will always be about our collective efforts, our resolve, our tenacity and ultimately, our impact on society. The impact of the FAMUly has been enlightening, inspiring, audacious and always, a source of inspiration.

While I may be stepping down from the presidency, this is not a farewell to my FAMUly. Following a sabbatical, I will return to my role as a Distinguished Service Professor in the School of the Environment. I look forward to continuing to contribute to our students’ lives and shaping their ability to address the complex problems confronting our world.

Whether you are among our students, alumni, parents, donors, honorary degree holders, athletic supporters, or friends of FAMU – be passionate in your Rattler pride. Never let go of it. We need you as mentors, advocates, and donors. Work just as hard for FAMU in the future as you do right now. FAM’s future success depends on it.

Continue to boldly Strike, and Strike, and Strike again.” And to students and alumni, even as your FAMU education takes you to places you would never imagine, please leave a part of your heart anchored here – here at the top of the “Highest of Seven Hills” here along with mine.

With profound gratitude and heartfelt appreciation, I remain, A Rattler Forever,
Larry Robinson President, Florida A&M University

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