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HBCU marching band to perform at historic parade in Paris

HBCU marching bands have a unique star power that’s almost impossible to replicate. So much so that they’ve become stars in their own right, frequently booking more paid traveling performances in a year than they have football games. The Magnificent Marching Machine of Morgan State University will become the first HBCU marching band to perform at the annual D-Day Memorial Parade in Paris.

“This is huge for Morgan State University and huge for an HBCU,” the band’s director Jorim Reid told WBALTV-11 in Baltimore. “This is huge for Morgan State, one, being that there are Morganites that served. There are Morganites that served after World War II that will be traveling with us that are near and dear to us,” Reid also said in the interview.

Reid also talked about his family ties to World War II as his grandfather served in the army during World War II. “He entered Europe through Normandy, went to England and that’s where they trained,” Reid recalled.

The significance of the D-Day Memorial Parade is not missed by the students in the band either. Drummer Kyra Scott told WBALTV-11, “My great-grandfather actually fought in World War II as well and met my great-grandmother. That’s important for me, as well, and (to) honor everybody else in America.”

Head Drum Major Tory James spoke about the impact this trip to Paris will have on him, “Going across the country, (I) never thought I would do that in my band career. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. (I’m) glad that I can be a part of it,” James said.

The performance will also honor the United States of America as the Morgan State Magnificent Marching Machine is set to perform “Stars and Stripes” and “Tribute to America.”

HBCU HBCU marching band Paris D-Day Memorial Parade Morgan State

“When we think of the historic events that have shaped the 20th century and the decades thereafter, the courageous moments that took place on the beaches of Normandy, France nearly 80 years ago, are among them. The opportunity to have our students not only represent our University but also our nation on such a grand world stage in recognition of such a monumental occasion is truly an honor,” said David K. Wilson, president of Morgan State University.

“Our thanks to the event organizers for their recognition of the talented student performers we have at Morgan, and for providing them with this lifetime experience allowing them to touch history.

The band is scheduled to leave for Paris on June 6 and stay through June 12.

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