Home » Latest News » One week after big wins, Alabama State deals with postseason hoops ban

One week after big wins, Alabama State deals with postseason hoops ban

Alabama State hoops

One week after living the HBCU sports dream, Alabama State’s men’s basketball team is dealing with the HBCU sports nightmare – a postseason ban due to APR.

ASU men’s basketball program has received a one-year ban from postseason play due to a low four-year Academic Progress Rate.

This news comes just one week after the Hornets made headlines by hiring former NBA All-Star Mo Williams and grabbing former Wyoming guard Trace Young via the transfer portal.


“The current state of our men’s basketball program as it pertains to APR has been difficult for all parties involved,” ASU AD Jennifer L. Williams said on Tuesday. “The staff of ASU’s Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is particularly saddened for our student-athletes. Their complete student-athlete experience is what we value most, and to have an obstacle such as this one impede on their experience is extremely disappointing.”

“Although the recent news of the one-year, post-season ban for our basketball program comes as no surprise, we will always be affected by any news that impacts the overall well-being for any population of our student-athlete body.”

William said moves have been made to address the issue.

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“We have worked diligently to overcome the challenges that faced the men’s basketball program and the areas of Compliance and Academics prior to my appointment as Director of Athletics. With the hiring of new Academic and Compliance personnel over the last year, we have made aggressive moves to rectify the issues with APR within our program and create a new culture of education, accountability and transparency.”

“Although we are disappointed, we are equally excited about the new direction of our men’s basketball program and look forward to building a holistic winning program for many years to come.”

Mo Williams introductory press conference is set for Wednesday. 


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