Morgan State University is set to have its homecoming football game on Saturday, but many of its students just underwent a scary situation on its campus.
Baltimore Police report that as many as five people have been shot on the campus in what was considered an active shooter situation on Tuesday night. The alleged shooter was believed to have fled into a residence hall. Police told local media that those injured were not thought to have life-threatening injuries.
The shooting reportedly took place following the coronation of Mr. And Ms. Morgan State University on Tuesday night. Students and all on campus were told to shelter at place.

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott tweeted after the arrival on the scene.
“I am on scene at Morgan State, with university leadership, BPD, and our federal and state law enforcement partners,” he tweeted. “This is no longer considered an active shooter situation but is an ongoing investigation. Media briefing to come soon.”
Morgan State is set to play Stony Brook on Saturday, October 7.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all the victims and all those impacted by Tuesday’s events.