"Crown ‘Em: Livingstone Wins First CIAA Title"Livingstone defeated Winston-Salem State for its first-ever CIAA Championship on Saturday. (WSSU photo) The third time proved to be the charm for...
"HBCU Highlight Reel: Livingstone’s Mark Thomas"Livingstone’s Mark Thomas is easily one of the best players in the CIAA. The 5’11 guard is having a stellar senior season,...
"CIAA Semifinal Preview: Vikings Look To Tame Hot-Shooting Blue Bears"Livingstone guard Mark Thomas has led his team to seven wins in a row. Livingstone vs. Elizabeth City How They Got Here:...
"WSSU and Livingstone Battle For Southern Division Crown"Winston-Salem State will look avenge Feb. 2’s 75-72 loss to Livingstone on Saturday. No. 7 Winston-Salem State (20-4, 7-2) at Livingstone (19-5,...